Salmon or any thick white fish, juice of one lemon, 2 tbls honey.
Fry fish in a mixture of butter and oil until crisp. Remove from pan. Add lemon juice and honey to the pan and allow to sizzle. Return fish to pan and spoon sauce around.
6 rindless streaky rashers, 4 flat fish fillets, 2oz unsalted butter, 1 tbls olive oil, 2 tbls fresh mixed herbs.
Grill bacon until crisp and snip into small pieces, dip fish in seasoned flour and fry in oil and butter on both sides until crisp.
Remove and keep warm. Add juice of half a lemon to pan with the chopped herbs. Spoon this mixture over fish and scatter bacon on top.
Here are some tips in preparing your fish.
Always wash fish and dry at least twice between sheets of kitchen paper. Best herbs for fish – dill, chives, parsley and coriander.