Fry any white fish in a mixture of oil and butter. Mix together one chopped avocado,
six cherry tomatoes chopped, one small red onion chopped, small bunch of either basil or coriander chopped and three tbls of olive oil.
Serve this salsa on a bed of lettuce with the fried fish. To make it more substantial, toast some ciabatta bread and pile salsa on top.
Melt 2oz butter in a pan, add 4oz breadcrumbs, zest of 1 lemon,
2oz grated parmesan, 2 tbls chopped fresh herbs, salt and pepper.
Pan fry thin fish fillets on skin side, turn over and spread with topping.
Here are some tips in preparing your fish.
Always wash fish and dry at least twice between sheets of kitchen paper. Best herbs for fish – dill, chives, parsley and coriander.